事情是這樣的,我和開發拿到了可以給 simulator 執行的 .app 檔案。
直接拖曳 app 丟到 simulator 裡它可以順順打開、可以妥妥操作。
但是當我用 Appium 以這個 capability 開 app 就出4了:
"appium:deviceName": "iPhone 15 Pro",
"appium:automationName": "XCUITest",
"platformName": "iOS",
"appium:platformVersion": "17.5",
"appium:app": "/Users/username/Desktop/folder/Demo.app"
Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The com.testdomain.test-demo-ios.dev application does not support the x86_64 Simulator architecture: Non-fat file: /Users/username/Desktop/folder/Demo.app/Demo is architecture: arm64 Please rebuild your application to support the x86_64 platform.
為什麼?為什麼???直接裝也可跑啊?人家真的就有 support x86_64 啊。
然後啊,在我跟開發確認了幾次,很怕被揍的時候,我才想到我先在 simulator 安裝好就可以用 bundleId 開啟嘛:
"appium:deviceName": "iPhone 15 Pro",
"appium:automationName": "XCUITest",
"platformName": "iOS",
"appium:platformVersion": "17.5",
"appium:bundleId": "com.testdomain.test-demo-ios.dev"
流程上不同的大概只有要先指令裝 app,需要的話加個 reset capability。